Library ICT Section

The Library ICT section is located on the first floor of the Central Library. This section is responsible for the library computer labs, the maintenance of the institutional repository, research carrels and conducting of the information literacy sessions.

Computer Lab

This section has a computer lab with desktop computers and thin clients. Library users are welcome to search the internet, access the library e-resources, e-mails and word process documents. Additionally, the University has recently acquired four laptops to ease access to electronic and educational resources. Academic Staff and registered university students are welcome to borrow and use these laptops within the central Library.

The Computer lab also houses a multimedia unit.  In here, university photographs, pictures, CDs, DVDs and other related audiovisual materials are collected, managed and made accessible to users for academic purposes.

Digitisation Unit

The Library ICT Section oversees the digitisation unit which is directly in charge of the library institutional repository (KyUSpace). This is where all the research work by Kyambogo University community e.g. theses and dissertations, journal articles, conference papers and book chapters is archived and managed. Other special or unique information about the university such as speeches for the university special functions, graduation booklets, university policies are also archived there.

Research Carrels

This section also manages the research carrels for users who wish to have independent or individualised study. Currently there are 19 carrels that are used on a day to day basis, first come first served. There are also discussion rooms for users who may want to hold discussions with their peers. These are also booked on a first-come, first-served basis.

Information Literacy

This section regularly conducts information literacy trainings for both academic staff and students. These trainings can be conducted either at the academic departments or in the central library in liaison with the Faculty/Department coordinators. Topics covered during the information literacy trainings include: access and use of the library e-resources, Reference management with Mendeley, Similarity checking with Turnitin, Credible publishing, Google tools to mention but a few.

Library ICT Team


Ms. Mary Acanit

Head, Library ICT services

Kamanda Passport

Mr. Francis Kamanda

In Charge, Digitisation Unit


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Mr. Isimail Gutaka Wangwe

Library ICT Technician