Library ICT Services:- The Library ICT section is found on the first floor of the central library building. Various ICT information services are offered here including; computer access, word processing, research, e-mail, e-resources access and training, CD writing.
Library binding services are located at Barclays library and this is where most of the conservation and preservation of the print reading materials are done. New publications/dissertations are bound or strengthened while old books are repaired. Other information materials like newspapers, reports, and old Bibles are bound using both spiral and hardcover binding.
Digitisation Unit/Service:- This unit is found on the ground floor of the central library and library services such as; reprographic services, Lamination services, and Scanning is done here.
This tool helps instructors to check for the originality of their students’ work. It tests for plagiarism and the similarity of ones’ scholarly writing.
- This is a tool that helps users to access library online resources remotely or off-campus. It can be used to access e-journals, e-books and other online resources provided through the Consortium of Uganda University Libraries.
- Also, create a link under Myloft for uploading and viewing PP slides or videos on how to use MyLOFT
- Training (The library conducts regular information literacy training that equips users with skills on how to identify, search and retrieve dependable information from credible sources).
Research carrels (These are spaces in the library that allow users to have individualised and quiet study).
Information Literacy
The ICT Section of the Library coordinates the information literacy instruction for both students and staff. We facilitate individual and group training as maybe initiated by Faculty Deans and Heads of Departments. Topics covered include:
- Searching online library resources
- Reference management with Mendley
- Ethical citation
- Similarity check with Turnitin
- Scholarly communication services
To schedule a training, please send e-mail to
Computers and Technology
- Central Library – First floor with 144 computers
- Barclays Library – Lower section with 10 computers
Citation Help
Citing sources is an important part of academic writing. Not sure about the citation style to use? Connect with a librarian –
Registration and Clearance
Registration and clearance are handled at the Information Desks of the Central and Barclays Libraries.