Library Partnerships, Memberships and Collaborations

Book Aid international

Kyambogo University has a partnership with Book –Aid International. Book Aid International is the UK’s leading international book donation and library development charity. They provide books through Kyambogo University which is a distribution partner to a range of primary and secondary schools throughout the country. Kyambogo University retains some copies for its stock and this project has been ongoing since 1992 to date. Seventy percent of the library stock is from book-Aid International.

Consortium of Uganda University Libraries (CUUL)

Kyambogo University Library service has full membership to the Consortium of Uganda University Libraries (CUUL). The Consortium facilitates effective and efficient collaboration and resource sharing among university and institutional libraries in Uganda with a goal of strengthening library services provided to the students, staff and other patrons of the institutions.

Uganda Library and Information Association

The library is an institutional member of the Uganda Library and Information Association (ULIA). ULIA is a professional organization that articulates the interests of LIS professionals in Uganda. The LIS profession encompasses the disciplines of library science, information science, records, archives administration and other persons concerned with the collection, collation and dissemination of information.